It’s been awhile since we’ve let our fans and followers know what we’ve been up to in the last couple of years. Learning new songs, practicing new arrangements, freshening up some of our “archived” selections, welcoming new members and exploring new venues for performances pretty much sums up our activities. In 2019, our operative word was FLEXIBILITY! We had to cancel or re-schedule several rehearsals during the winter months due to inclement weather (Mother Nature seemed to have developed a particular fondness for creating driving hazards on Tuesday nights! ). Plus, we had two members of our group slip on ice and break their wrists—one being our Musical Director and Accompanist Dave!
All that being said, we managed to find a little window of good luck and good weather and get ourselves to a concert at the Broadway Theatre in Wabasha, MN. We had a real “Love Fest” of a time, singing many of our favorite songs about being in (or out) of Love! Next up on our calendar last year was to be our annual performance at the Stockholm Art Fair. Wouldn’t you know it—a rainy forecast caused the organizers to cancel the musical portion of the event; eventually, the entire fair was cancelled due to stormy weather. In 45 years, this fair has been rained ON many times, but this was the first time it had ever been rained OUT! The entire Stockholm community was rather dumbfounded and grief-stricken at this turn of events— in 2020 it will, no doubt, be TWICE as anticipated and welcome. Mother Nature finally gave us a beautiful August evening for an outdoor concert at one of our favorite venues, a charming city park “Under the Bridge” in Wabasha. We’ll be hoping She will be kind to us again this August for our encore engagement there.
We raised the rafters of our little church, St. Sophia’s, with our pre-Halloween concert there in the fall. We had a rousing good time with some of our seasonal tunes, including “Monster Mash”, “Ghostbusters” “Spooky”, and “Love Potion #9”. Even the church basement was transformed by a plethora of seasonal decorations and food offerings. We always “pass the plate” at this concert and give the funds to the church for letting us use the space for our practices—and our audience is very generous each time we ask. Good fortune smiled on us once more with nice weather for our final show of the year—our Holiday Concert at the Widespot Performing Arts Center in Stockholm. We always have fun trying out our own interpretations of familiar (and not so familiar) holiday tunes, and handing out door prizes to some lucky audience members. Health or work changes have led to a couple of members stepping away from the group during the last couple of years, but we have added Kathleen, Julie, Debra, Kate & Sue to the mix, and we are thrilled to have these new voices, talents, ideas and energy in our midst. We are really looking forward to a Fabulously Hot Flashy New Year ahead!! Come see us soon.
~ contributing writer Judy Krohn (2/3/2020)
~ contributing writer Judy Krohn (2/3/2020)